Land Title Registration Expected To Go Live Next Year
About Denis de Frias
Denis de Frias is a director in the firm's property, trusts and estates practice group and is responsible for the firm's property practice. Mr. de Frias has over 15 years of experience in a broad range of property transactions including condominium development, complex financing structures, residential and commercial real property sales and purchases.
Denis de Frias’s full profile on
The Land Title Registration Amendment Bill (the “Amendment Bill”) was passed in the Bermuda House of Assembly on Friday, 24 November 2017. The Amendment Bill seeks to introduce new provisions to or amend existing sections of the principal legislation, the Land Title Registration Act 2011 (the “Act”).
The Act, which is not yet in force, seeks to introduce a registered title regime to Bermuda replacing the current unregistered title system based on a chain of title deeds. The Amendment Bill seeks to introduce a number of tidy-up provisions in the lead up to commencement of the Act which has long been anticipated. According to a recent statement from the Minister responsible for the regime, the Minister of Public Works, Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch, the Act will go live in early April 2018.
Introduction of the Act will mean widespread changing for property transactions and therefore the Amendment Bill and other developments are something we are watching closely. Stay tuned for future updates!