Bermuda Law Blog

Fozeia Rana-Fahy
In its 2014 decision, the Court of Appeal considered Chief Justice Kawaley’s first instance 2013 decision to order the production of trust documents to a beneficiary notwithstanding that the trust deed contained an information control mechanism designed to prevent disclosure of financial information unless the Protector (who was also the principal beneficiary) consented.

Jennifer Haworth
An important decision came from the Court of Appeal this year relating to the issue of whether a party has submitted to the jurisdiction in proceedings outside of Bermuda. In Kader Holdings Company Limited v Desarrollo Inmoniliario Negocios Industriales De Alta Technologia De Hermosilio, S.A. De CV [2013] CA (Bda) 13 Civ (10 March 2014), the Court of Appeal reversed the Chief Justice’s ruling of July 2013 in which he granted Desarrollo summary judgment in respect of its claim to enforce a judgment given in the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in June 2011. The primary issue on appeal was whether Kader submitted to the Arizona proceedings by making a voluntary appearance, and counterclaiming in those proceedings.

Andrew A. Martin
In the world of cross border insolvencies, two important judgments in the Privy Council have clarified three issues which have great significance, not just for Bermuda, but all offshore jurisdictions which have insolvency provisions based on the English model, whether 1948 Companies Act or Insolvency Act 1986. The facts have been well reported and do not bear repeating here.

Jessica Kemmenoe
The United Kingdom (the “UK”) is party to many international treaty obligations but how far do these international treaty obligations extend to UK territories? This question was considered in the recent case of BEST v Minister of Home Affairs [2014] SC (Bda) 61 App (6 August 2014). Given the legal autonomy Bermuda has to the UK, this case raises an interesting legal issue.

Agathe Holowatinc
The Governor George Fergusson delivered the annual Throne Speech on November 7, laying out the Bermuda Government's plans for the upcoming year. Economic recovery will continue to be the national priority, the Government announced. This speech marked the opening of a new parliamentary year, the third under the new One Bermuda Alliance Government and the first under their new party leader and Premier Michael Dunkley.

Cynthia Williams
Changes in Bermuda’s Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (“AML/ATF”) Legislation will be addressed in Parliament in order to bring the technical components into compliance with the 2012 Revised Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”) 40 recommendations (the “Recommendations”).
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