Bermuda Law Blog

Brian Holdipp
For a number of years, the international financial services sector has contributed the greatest amount to the Bermuda economy.  According to the National Economic Report published by the Ministry of Finance, international business provided $1.68 billion in total output or 27.3 per cent of total GDP in 2016. It is critical for Bermuda’s economic well-being then, that the Island remains in step with international standards set by supra-national regulatory authorities to protect the jurisdiction’s financial system from abuse.

Jane Collis
I am sometimes instructed by a married couple that they want to create “mutual wills”. Generally I shudder at the thought and suggest that really what they might be after are “mirror-image” or reciprocal wills and then I proceed to explain the difference. I have only had one set of clients execute mutual wills after the proffered explanation, so I am led to the conclusion that there is widespread misunderstanding of the term. While there may be occasions for using a mutual will, in my professional opinion, they will be few and far between.

Jane Collis
With a surprising degree of frequency I meet with clients to initiate the probate process many years after the death of a loved one. Often the catalyst is an attempt to sell a piece of real estate, at which time they learn that they have no authority to sell because dad’s estate or grandma’s estate was never probated. As many Bermudian families try hard to keep properties within the family, and as many families have a number of pieces of real estate, it can be years before this discovery is made. Then, the whole sale process comes to a grinding halt.
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